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Website Last Comment First Comment Total 05-21-2012 11:37 AM EDT 05-21-2012 11:37 AM EDT 1
Twitter 05-11-2013 12:06 AM EDT 05-11-2013 12:06 AM EDT 3
Daily Rank: N/A
All-time Rank: 959 Unchanged
Batting Average: N/A
Velocity: N/A
  • Daily Comments 014-743-5000
  • Cummulative Comments 014-743-5000
  • Distribution By Day 014-743-5000
  • Comment Share 014-743-5000

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  • Still some spots left for Saturday and Sunday. Make you booking now at R 250,00 pp green fee including cart sharing. Call: 014 743 5000
  • RT @EuphoriaGolf: Still some spots left for Saturday and Sunday. Make you booking now at R 250,00 pp green fee including cart sharing. Call: 014 743 5000
  • RT @EuphoriaGolf: Still some spots left for Saturday and Sunday. Make you booking now at R 250,00 pp green fee including cart sharing. Call: 014 743 5000