politician | Sprint |
Add a tag to identify or describe this number (e.g. company name, line of business, etc.)
Website | Last Comment | First Comment | Total |
CallWiki.com | 01-30-2012 04:04 AM EST | 01-30-2012 04:04 AM EST | 1 |
WhoCallsMe.com | 01-30-2012 11:39 PM EST | 01-25-2012 12:23 PM EST | 9 |
01-28-2012 08:51 AM EST | 01-27-2012 11:17 AM EST | 3 |
Daily Rank: | N/A |
All-time Rank: | 950 |
Batting Average: | N/A |
Velocity: | N/A |
- Stop Harassing Phone Calls from Debt Collectors
- Robocaller, Why Do You Not Speak?
- Finding You: Debt Collectors on the Hunt
I just got a robo text! It says: "Is Mitt Romney ProLife? You decide. 4074902851." Call it and find out. Takes 30 seconds. #sayfie
@SayfieReview: Did anyone else get a text asking you to call 4074902851, which is a robomessage attacking #Romney? How did they get my #?