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Website Last Comment First Comment Total 10-12-2016 10:07 AM EDT 10-03-2016 01:53 PM EDT 4 10-06-2016 06:13 PM EDT 10-04-2016 04:53 PM EDT 4
MyCallBot 10-06-2016 10:29 AM EDT 10-03-2016 10:56 PM EDT 4
Daily Rank: N/A
All-time Rank: 952 Unchanged
Batting Average: N/A
Velocity: N/A
  • Daily Comments 844-286-2197
  • Cummulative Comments 844-286-2197
  • Distribution By Day 844-286-2197
  • Comment Share 844-286-2197
Louise 10-06-2016

My son whom is not even 18 got a recorded message from these people saying we found debt and fraud & misconduct on your tax file in which you are hiding from the government. LOL For one, my son has never filed any tax returns due to he is a minor, and we always file and they would not call and leave a VM. We'd be getting some certified letters!!!

Robert 10-04-2016

Just got a call from this number on 10/4/2016 @2:00pm EDT. IRS Scam.

Sandy 10-4-2016 10-04-2016

IRS Fraud call. Claims you owe money

Johnny 10-03-2016

IRS Scam.......dont answer!....Unless you want to have fun and keep them on the line as long as possible. The IRS would never trust an outside source to collect owed taxes and they dont call either. You'd get a letter in the mail. I had the guy on the phone for over an hour, thinking i was running down the street to send a MoneyGram! I was watching CSI and forgot about the scammer until it went over. LOL

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